This comparison shows graphically how our loved ones and friends have been mesmerized by the Watchtower cult. Note the same defensive statements in each resopnse. First let's see 'Fed Up's sister:
hi JA,
Whats up?
Just to tell u that I'd rather u not send me any other
info like that. I dont want to have anything to do
with it.
By the way, just because the Watchtower is on the UNs'
site doesn't mean what you say.
By being on the site, it just means that they have the
right to certain info that other organizations
wouldn't have access to without being part of the UN.
Its sad that what you look at in the JW's is only the
little things that dont seem to work.
They are not perfect, just like anyother org.
I really wish you would talk to mom and dad and let
them help you do some research about what you dont
Obiviously, JW's have evolved in their beleifs and
comprehensions. Thats why things change.
Take this example: Before, they didnt know that they
couldnt celebrate Christmas or even smoke. But today,
they know and have adjusted their behaviour.
Earlier people didnt know the world was round, now
they know. Lots of thing like that have influences
peoples lives, but times change and people do to.
To finish this off let me leave you with a qustion:
You say that if JW's have the absolute truth why cant
they go see what others say,
Well, why wouldn't you go in a strippers club if you
know its not good?
I love u Ja and I hate seeing you like that.
You have changed so much. But please dont give up on
everything, cause it is the truth whatever you might
think! :)
Your sis who loves u!
See u
Now my sister's reply to the NGO info:
"This is just an attempt to make the organization look bad by the media. The brother in the article answered your question. The annual meeting was yesterday and I'm sure you're little "spy" friends probably were there ready to take apart anything that was said. R and T were there and I am sure I will be getting an email from them soon as to what the meeting discussion was."
"My main objective is to be doing what I need to do along with my husband and children to survive the great tribulation and Armageddon."
"All this proves to me is that we are living in the last days and that Satan is trying harder than ever to sway us from our beliefs."
"As far as the special assembly day goes, we have one special assembly day every year and then one two day assembly. We had our special assembly day a few weeks ago and the theme was "Subjecting Ourselves to God,,,Oppose the Devil." Nothing about reorganization."
"Please don't send me anymore of these articles from any news source or media source."
"Most of these sources as I said are only out to sway the way others think about Witnesses. Don't start with all these antagonizing emails like you were doing before. You have made your choice as far as what your religious affiliation goes and I have made mine. You can not change my mind."
Did you also notice that there is not one reference to 'serving God' or 'loving Jesus' as the reason to remain faithful to the WBTS? It's all about fear, which is the opposite of real Christianity.
Yep, I know that there is a "save my own butt" factor and it is not all, "I love Jesus". Appreciation of Christ only truly comes when you realize the enormity of what He endured and what He did.( Read Phil.(2.6-11 and Heb. 1.1-10 to discover some insight here.)
Yes, there are other 'Christian' gropus that feed off of fear and not the gospel, the fact that God came to earth as a man, lived His life in service to others, voluntarily went to the cross and died for all of our sins. Her line is, "My main objective is to be doing what I need to do along with my husband and children to survive the great tribulation and Armageddon."
Amongst my present associates, we call that 'fire insurance' and not 'salvation'.